

The Way to More Light After you were raised to a Master Mason, your lodge promised to provide you with all the light it could bestow.  Arlington Masonic Lodge strives to accomplish this objective through its Thomas Spencer Memorial Library – a vast library of Masonic resources.  If you are a Mason, you are welcome to come check it out. In the library we have books, coins, lodge minutes, brochures, pamphlets, magazines, and videos.  We even have Texas Grand Lodge proceedings dating back to the 1800’s as well as York Rite proceedings.  A listing of the library holdings is available in a PDF format which makes it very easy to search for a specific book title or author. The latest PDF file is available at the link below. Make a point of coming to visit.  Reach out to the lodge secretary or library committee members for more information, and the rules in place to preserve our resources for the next generation. Library Rules Please protect and keep books in good condition
  • Categories A – Proceedings, B – Reference & Y – Video tapes with Yellow dots are not available for checkout. If there is some special reason, contact the Librarian.
    • Only members of Arlington Lodge #438 are to check books out. If a visiting brother would like to borrow a book, he should get it through an Arlington Mason. The Arlington Brother will be responsible for the safe return of the book.
    • All books must be checked out in the Library Loan Register.
    • All columns on the Register must be filled out. (Print legibly, accurately, all columns).
    • If your contact information changes, contact the Librarian. Your Grand Lodge ID number is requested to assist in this area.
    • Books can be checked out for a period of one month (30 days) at which time it can be checked out once more. The maximum a book can be checkout to one brother is 60 days.
    • Books not returned after 90 days will be replaced in the library at the expense of the individual who checked the item out.
    • Categories A – Proceedings, B – Reference & Y – Video tapes with Yellow dots are not available for checkout. If there is some special reason, contact the Librarian.