How to Join

How to Join

Welcome!  We are thrilled that you are looking for more information about what it takes to become a Mason.  Joining this wonderful fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons requires that a man, of his own free will, petition a Masonic Lodge for the Degrees in Masonry.  No Texas Mason should ever ask you to join our fraternity.

There are 7 main steps in joining Arlington Masonic Lodge #438.

If you know a Mason, ASK him about Freemasonry.  Don’t be shy – we enjoy sharing our experiences with those who are interested in our fraternity.  If you don’t know a Mason, you can contact our lodge directly at the number or email on the side of this page, and our Secretary will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We encourage you to VISIT us at Arlington Lodge #438.  This is a great opportunity to meet our members, learn about our lodge, and ask any questions you may have (and if you do not personally know a Mason, this is a great time to talk to someone).  Most lodges, including ours, have dinner before their regular stated meetings, and guests are always welcome.  Visiting allows you to experience the camaraderie and determine if our lodge is the right fit for you.

Once you have visited our lodge and decided to pursue membership, you may REQUEST a petition. Your petition must be signed by several Masons.  If you do not yet know any Masons personally, follow the first two steps above, and someone can assist you.  You can also print off a copy of the petition with the link at the bottom of this page.

Complete your petition and SUBMIT it to Arlington Lodge #438.  Be sure to ask about any fees that may be required with your submission.  Once your petition is fully completed, and turned in, it will be read during the next scheduled stated meeting of our Lodge.

After your petition is read, the Master of our Lodge will appoint three members to get to know you and conduct a background INVESTIGATION.   The investigators will work with you to meet at a convenient place and time to ask a few standard questions and just chat.  This is a great time for them to get to know you, as well as the perfect time to ask any additional questions you may have.  Honesty is key – no Mason is perfect, and we do not expect perfection from petitioners either.

After your investigation is complete, the committee will submit their findings to the lodge at a stated meeting.  At this time, the Master will call for a BALLOT.  Eligible Masons will vote on your petition, and the results will be announced to the lodge.

Throughout the process it is important for the petitioner to have a little PATIENCE.  While we are working to get everything finished as quick as possible, the whole process does take a little time.  After the voting is completed, a member of Arlington Lodge #438, will contact you to inform you of the results.  If the ballot is favorable, you will then receive further instructions on the next steps in your Masonic journey.

Please reach out to us with questions.